How to Index New Blog or Website With Very Fast

by August 25, 2017 5 comments

How to Index New Website or Blog With Fast

How quickly indexed in google your website

Friends Whenever you create a new blog pages or website of the search engine a little time to find a new website to read and add to your search engine.
But if you've created a new blog or new website and then take you to the Google search engine and search engine as quickly as possible to your web page to add to your search results can come for him to try
Her work just like how any search engine you will understand and how he arrives at a new website and has a blog or page of the website, 

Crawling and Index

First of all, you do crawling and indexing to understand,
Whenever we make it to a page by website or blog search engine comes on the website and have the page of your website, if you put the file sitemap and robot website search engine on your website Robots and Sitemaps falls and Czech's website is how many pages, so when search engines have pages and links to your website it says crawling,
Now, if all page search engine takes you add to your page in its search results, it's called index, and your website after the index seems to be appearing in  more search engines

So you have to understand the rules of the search engines and you can very quickly index your website

Share how fast search engine for your new website

1. Sitemap - the sitemap is a simple file to see but it is important to search engines, search engine sees the first sitemap, more than 100 pages in website or 1000, came in search engine sitemap Czech does the number of pages and is connected to said which links

2. Robots - after creating a sitemap is to create the file of robots and add to your website, because of what page the robots file in order to get the search engines to show not show or what page in its search results, so robots file is also a necessary part
3. Webmaster Tools - As soon as you create a file of robots and sitemap put on your website, you can now go to google webmaster and you want to add your web page, the website itself as well as webmaster tools to add Adding a link to the sitemap of your website so that search engines to very quick link to a website to find out now add to webmaster tools
4. Google Analytics - is to connect the link to your website in the tools Google Analytics as well as to search engines, Google Analytics also come many people on your necessary website you can see that by which a service of Google, and whence come
5. Social Links - to make all social profiles of your new business or blog is also important, your social links as well as your website Facebook, Google+ or Twitter links etc. appear in the search engines with your website.
6. Directory - MOZ just enter add in some famous web directory on your website and VIO or Yahoo Directory, these directory sites are very famous, and your new website is accepted in these directories as good backlinks you to start can come 
7. Feed Burner - If you are popular your website do not forget to use the Feed Burner, Feed Burner still have used too much, a little less than the sender before but still its importance not less Joined Google feed burner is a free service, if you write something in a feed burner, then it will show you the word everywhere where you have used feed burner.



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