Secret of Content Written Idea (get more traffic from web)

by October 12, 2017 0 comments
Secret of Content Written Idea
Content is one of the kings of your websites promoting methods on search engine (like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc)

1st you need to the idea that what is content?

Actually, All the content that we see on the website.
Text, image, video, charts, diagram, infographic, audio and more others element all are content.

Finally, if you want to describe any topic for your targeted audience and get up details idea for these tips all are content. 

You can give your information with text visual image and more others element that I have described just a few moments ago.

1st of all you have to see that which person is your audience? And they want now about this topic.

You have to more research for giving this content for your visitors. Google and visitors always want big resources and fresh article.

Are you confused about your content length?

Remember that Google always loves long article and details information. You can use 400 or 500 words for publishing your web article. 

But it’s naturally used this present time.
You have to overcome others blogger with your article. You can make a long article like 1500 word.

 If you completed 2000+ word article so its king for optimizing your web ranking.

How can get the content idea?

You can visit more website about this topic. That topic you have to complete. 

Research and more research. Find out most of the necessary parts that you can get any kind of question about this topic and give this answer perfectly.

Ask people that want about this topic? Find the problem and find out this solution.

That person are the audience of your article, follow their age and follow their acceptation about this topic.

Example if you want o make an article about t-shirt reviews of the baby. So careful about that t-shirt, design or best colorful. 

Because baby loves colorful, and if you can make this article for middle age people so careful about quality, Careful about this t-shirt quality not color. 

Different people have a different choice.

Follow these steps to write a perfect user-friendly article?
People love the visual image. if you create a simple word article. 

Just word and word so its monotony for a visitors. You can use bullet diagram, charts, screenshots, infographic and more mixed elements of the article. You can choose any question for your visitors.

Important notice: don’t try to duplicate article on the website. If you can use this but not rank on Google because Google avoided this copied content and will get penalized for this copy.

If you get step about content modifies or rewriting so you are in old work. This present time has expired these tricks. Google is the best intelligent search engine in the world.

So go ahead and write your website's article not for the search engine, need to write article for visitors.

 if you can make satisfied visitors so Google will love this content. Google always want a visitor’s satisfaction and rank better article on this web.



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