New Secret Ways to Grow Your Blog Audience

by August 25, 2017 1 comments

 How blogs or traffic to the website increased

Most people have only a question of we can blog is created and then add posts also cast but still much should we not much Traffic on our website, or as it should be, also because of some simple or older can cause may not be lacking something missing or in your blog but setting the appropriate manner blogs
have not been,

Present time we have just been talking to a few simple reasons why can be increased traffic coming to blogs, to talk about some tips from Simple

1. When you blog traffic
Blog traffic is two-method, a new traffic and an old traffic.
This traffic is two way to work, a new visitors that adds new user coming to the new blog, contrast Old traffic means coming back to the website people.

Old traffic more counts are to show it to look good on your written post logo, and people come to your blog again to allow your post, if your blog is back to visitors much your post is very good, and you do not if you are writing a post coming like the logo, so you have to slightly change the post, and see writing something new.

2. Guest Posting
Recently the most popular being the way it is now running too much, but have quality post it is very necessary, if you have not been able to put post not being able to run, and if there is time to recover Blog you can ask for posting Guest logos that appear on the blog, people can post to your blog, but rather a link to your blog is to write your blog. you do Can cancel, but very much linked to mind will not go out of your blog

3. Put Subscribe options
To subscribe give you at least one place on the blog, so people who have to come again and again on your blog they come to know then wrote a new website, which at least some of your website outdated traffic is expected to remain so, and will maybe get some new visitors to find you, as well as some e-mail address with this so you can send them to you any promotional mail blog.

4. Keep track of social media -
They put more focus on social media, where is the question of our blog most Traffic comes by this time social media, because it maintains a separate identity on social media, the Internet, and almost every person who uses the Internet he is attached did not come from a website to social media to whenever you blog post.

 link you posted on all the social media website description of Make sure to stock up areas if you traffic with enough then posted on the right way and the right place you can get from social media.

5. Use the tools
Is you can also use some tools to write the blog, like article writer, marketing tools, all in one social media, etc., allow you to write a little early you article in a short time, or soon all Social media can stock up on the website, for example you HootSuite can use, at the same time you can share with one click on the website of the Social media

6. Active remained
Be careful if you have to have written posts on her coming and keeping an eye on the falling people to blog, you can talk to ask questions or answer you when Wwalo at the end of each post, and if someone can you questions that immediately must give the answer to that question may be because he needed an answer to your question come again on your post

7 Write simple words
Post write when you want to keep in mind when members logo all people who visit your blog is not the same, maybe some under either too much age, you have to use the language in the post every age logo to understand, and all the simple, when you throw in when the youngest people on your blog like this written as if you're talking about himself to them directly, writing difficult language C Eshani will

8. not written much longer paragraphs
Most seem to be required to get big post boring, and they needed an even longer to ensure that your blog does not stop at the post stopped a little while acting of this type then be easier to remember. a paragraph of 4 lines can make, and can quickly get your point across in less vocally.

 but you also take care of small paragraphs making full post are small, post together, all your paragraphs Passenger volume at least vocally must be 600.

The work post to your blog from the visitors come to work, so you should keep at least 20 posts to your blog, and wrote a new post from time to time, so that comes to your blog, if regular, hope you posts will be nice, if you feel something is missing in this post we can write comments
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    1 comment:

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